TLS update uploaded
on January 23rd
added year-end
ratings and
championship matches.

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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 01/26/2023)
Section - Texas
Area - Dallas
League - 2021 DTA N-A 18 & Over ADULT Fall W. Sunday
Flight - W3.5S
(2) McKinney/Owens W3.5S
League Record: 2 - 8
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Vickie Williams - 3.26
Hong Zhang - 3.25
Debbie Klosky - 3.18
Mary Spears - 3.15
Margie Quillen - 3.12
Debra Barcuch - 3.12
Julie Hansen - 3.11
Irene Luna - 3.07
Marlene Zwolenik - 3.03
Tammi Cole - 3.01
Anita Whitney - 3.01
Magan Flynn - 2.99
annette delbridge - 2.83
Billie OBrien - 2.83
Deana Hicks - 2.76
Christine Daugherty - 2.75
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Anita Whitney - 3.01 & Mary Spears - 3.15 1 - 0
Anita Whitney - 3.01 & Magan Flynn - 2.99 1 - 0
Anita Whitney - 3.01 & Julie Hansen - 3.11 0 - 1
Anita Whitney - 3.01 & Margie Quillen - 3.12 0 - 2 0 - 1
Christine Daugherty - 2.75 & Billie OBrien - 2.83 0 - 1
Christine Daugherty - 2.75 & Deana Hicks - 2.76 0 - 2
Vickie Williams - 3.26 & Mary Spears - 3.15 1 - 0
annette delbridge - 2.83 & Deana Hicks - 2.76 0 - 1
annette delbridge - 2.83 0 - 4
Billie OBrien - 2.83 & Mary Spears - 3.15 0 - 1
Billie OBrien - 2.83 & Marlene Zwolenik - 3.03 0 - 1
Tammi Cole - 3.01 & Mary Spears - 3.15 0 - 2
Hong Zhang - 3.25 4 - 4
Irene Luna - 3.07 1 - 1 1 - 1
Debra Barcuch - 3.12 & Vickie Williams - 3.26 0 - 1 1 - 0 1 - 0
Debra Barcuch - 3.12 & Margie Quillen - 3.12 1 - 0
Debra Barcuch - 3.12 2 - 2
Magan Flynn - 2.99 & Christine Daugherty - 2.75 0 - 1
Magan Flynn - 2.99 & Mary Spears - 3.15 0 - 1
Magan Flynn - 2.99 & Julie Hansen - 3.11 0 - 2
Magan Flynn - 2.99 & Margie Quillen - 3.12 1 - 1
Julie Hansen - 3.11 & Debbie Klosky - 3.18 1 - 0
Julie Hansen - 3.11 & Billie OBrien - 2.83 0 - 1
Margie Quillen - 3.12 & Vickie Williams - 3.26 0 - 1
Margie Quillen - 3.12 & Billie OBrien - 2.83 0 - 1
(17) Lakes/Alwood-Milovich W3.5S
League Record: 8 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Cher Milovich - 3.50
Heather Helsel - 3.49
Shelly Gillert - 3.46
Sanella Wertz - 3.46
Sarah Wollitz - 3.44
Anne Savoie - 3.43
Lindsey McDavid - 3.42
Irina Owens - 3.41
Erika Meade - 3.38
Carmel Wood - 3.37
Tracy Constantino - 3.33
Carrie Devries - 3.32
Brenda Bingham - 3.30
Kate Feuerberg - 3.26
Katie Chapman - 3.24
Michelle Silver - 3.19
Brenda Armstrong - 3.09
Kristi Flanagan - 3.08
Phyllis McGahey - 3.03
Jennifer Houghtlin - 3.00
Bev Drummond-Murray - 2.93
Heather Alwood - 2.87
Selina Marshall - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Jennifer Houghtlin - 3.00 & Bev Drummond-Murray - 2.93 0 - 1
Jennifer Houghtlin - 3.00 & Tracy Constantino - 3.33 1 - 0
Shelly Gillert - 3.46 & Brenda Bingham - 3.30 1 - 0
Shelly Gillert - 3.46 & Carrie Devries - 3.32 1 - 0
Shelly Gillert - 3.46 & Kristi Flanagan - 3.08 1 - 0
Shelly Gillert - 3.46 & Lindsey McDavid - 3.42 0 - 1
Shelly Gillert - 3.46 & Sarah Wollitz - 3.44 1 - 0
Shelly Gillert - 3.46 2 - 0
Selina Marshall - n/a & Katie Chapman - 3.24 1 - 0
Selina Marshall - n/a & Carrie Devries - 3.32 0 - 1
Carmel Wood - 3.37 & Brenda Armstrong - 3.09 1 - 0
Carmel Wood - 3.37 & Lindsey McDavid - 3.42 2 - 0
Carmel Wood - 3.37 & Anne Savoie - 3.43 1 - 0
Irina Owens - 3.41 & Phyllis McGahey - 3.03 0 - 1
Irina Owens - 3.41 & Michelle Silver - 3.19 1 - 0
Irina Owens - 3.41 3 - 0 0 - 1
Brenda Armstrong - 3.09 & Erika Meade - 3.38 0 - 1
Brenda Armstrong - 3.09 & Heather Alwood - 2.87 0 - 1
Brenda Armstrong - 3.09 & Tracy Constantino - 3.33 0 - 1
Brenda Armstrong - 3.09 1 - 0
Erika Meade - 3.38 & Cher Milovich - 3.50 1 - 0
Erika Meade - 3.38 & Sarah Wollitz - 3.44 1 - 0
Kate Feuerberg - 3.26 & Kristi Flanagan - 3.08 1 - 0
Kate Feuerberg - 3.26 0 - 1
Brenda Bingham - 3.30 & Lindsey McDavid - 3.42 1 - 0
Brenda Bingham - 3.30 & Cher Milovich - 3.50 1 - 0
Katie Chapman - 3.24 & Michelle Silver - 3.19 1 - 0
Carrie Devries - 3.32 & Sarah Wollitz - 3.44 1 - 1
Phyllis McGahey - 3.03 & Sanella Wertz - 3.46 1 - 0
Heather Alwood - 2.87 & Sanella Wertz - 3.46 1 - 0
Bev Drummond-Murray - 2.93 & Michelle Silver - 3.19 0 - 1
Cher Milovich - 3.50 & Sarah Wollitz - 3.44 1 - 0
Sarah Wollitz - 3.44 1 - 0
Heather Helsel - 3.49 2 - 0 1 - 2
Sanella Wertz - 3.46 2 - 0
Anne Savoie - 3.43 1 - 3
(1) Greenhill/Hord-Wilson W3.5S
League Record: 9 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Misty Milam - 3.62
Mary Jane Carter - 3.49
Kaylea Schultz - 3.47
Teri Wilson - 3.45
Charlotte Rice - 3.43
Tracey Hardwick - 3.41
Cindy Gray - 3.41
Amy Smith - 3.41
Lauren Robitaille - 3.38
Tia Spikes - 3.37
Laura Rich - 3.37
Staci Frost - 3.34
Martha Sue Crowther - 3.32
Laura Ray - 3.31
Catherine Lillard - 3.24
Sylvie Lippens - 3.23
Pamela Pluss - 3.23
Jill Chris - 3.22
Melinda Cantu - 3.19
Sheri Colaluca - 3.14
Chesle Blair - 3.11
Mary Hampton - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Mary Hampton - n/a & Mary Jane Carter - 3.49 0 - 1
Martha Sue Crowther - 3.32 & Amy Smith - 3.41 1 - 1 1 - 0
Martha Sue Crowther - 3.32 0 - 1 1 - 0
Tracey Hardwick - 3.41 & Staci Frost - 3.34 0 - 1 2 - 0 1 - 0
Catherine Lillard - 3.24 & Sheri Colaluca - 3.14 1 - 0
Catherine Lillard - 3.24 & Lauren Robitaille - 3.38 2 - 0
Jill Chris - 3.22 & Teri Wilson - 3.45 1 - 0
Jill Chris - 3.22 & Laura Ray - 3.31 1 - 0
Jill Chris - 3.22 & Amy Smith - 3.41 1 - 0
Jill Chris - 3.22 & Cindy Gray - 3.41 1 - 0
Teri Wilson - 3.45 & Laura Ray - 3.31 0 - 1
Teri Wilson - 3.45 & Kaylea Schultz - 3.47 1 - 0
Teri Wilson - 3.45 & Melinda Cantu - 3.19 1 - 0
Teri Wilson - 3.45 1 - 0
Sylvie Lippens - 3.23 1 - 0 3 - 0
Misty Milam - 3.62 4 - 0 2 - 0
Chesle Blair - 3.11 & Amy Smith - 3.41 1 - 0
Laura Ray - 3.31 & Lauren Robitaille - 3.38 1 - 0
Kaylea Schultz - 3.47 & Charlotte Rice - 3.43 2 - 0
Amy Smith - 3.41 & Melinda Cantu - 3.19 0 - 1
Pamela Pluss - 3.23 & Mary Jane Carter - 3.49 1 - 0 1 - 0
Melinda Cantu - 3.19 & Charlotte Rice - 3.43 0 - 1
Laura Rich - 3.37 2 - 1 2 - 1
Cindy Gray - 3.41 & Sheri Colaluca - 3.14 1 - 0
Cindy Gray - 3.41 & Tia Spikes - 3.37 3 - 0
Sheri Colaluca - 3.14 1 - 0
(18) Oak Creek/Fletcher W3.5S
League Record: 7 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
cristine giacchino - 3.30
Debbie Buchanan - 3.27
Melissa Feste - 3.25
Nicole Murphy - 3.23
Julie Wolf - 3.21
Elizabeth Maurice - 3.21
Kristi Merrill - 3.20
Rose Fletcher - 3.15
Beth Cromwell - 3.15
Molly Ware - 3.13
Laura Schussler - 3.11
Dawn Daley - 3.11
Diane Wise - 3.07
Belinda Petersen - 3.03
Jennifer Slaby - 3.00
Perla Timoney - 2.91
Melanee Rackley - 2.82
Jessie Petersen - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Belinda Petersen - 3.03 & Melissa Feste - 3.25 1 - 0 1 - 0
Belinda Petersen - 3.03 & Kristi Merrill - 3.20 0 - 1
Belinda Petersen - 3.03 & Diane Wise - 3.07 0 - 1
Melissa Feste - 3.25 & Perla Timoney - 2.91 1 - 0
Rose Fletcher - 3.15 & Molly Ware - 3.13 1 - 0
Rose Fletcher - 3.15 & Elizabeth Maurice - 3.21 1 - 0
Rose Fletcher - 3.15 & Perla Timoney - 2.91 0 - 1
Rose Fletcher - 3.15 0 - 1
Kristi Merrill - 3.20 0 - 1 3 - 0
Jessie Petersen - n/a & Elizabeth Maurice - 3.21 2 - 0
Molly Ware - 3.13 & Perla Timoney - 2.91 0 - 1
Elizabeth Maurice - 3.21 & cristine giacchino - 3.30 1 - 0
Elizabeth Maurice - 3.21 & Nicole Murphy - 3.23 0 - 1
cristine giacchino - 3.30 & Beth Cromwell - 3.15 2 - 0
cristine giacchino - 3.30 1 - 1
Beth Cromwell - 3.15 & Nicole Murphy - 3.23 1 - 0
Nicole Murphy - 3.23 1 - 0
Julie Wolf - 3.21 & Belinda Petersen - 3.03 1 - 0
Julie Wolf - 3.21 & Melissa Feste - 3.25 1 - 0
Julie Wolf - 3.21 0 - 1 1 - 1
Laura Schussler - 3.11 & Melissa Feste - 3.25 0 - 1
Laura Schussler - 3.11 & Diane Wise - 3.07 1 - 0
Laura Schussler - 3.11 & Perla Timoney - 2.91 1 - 0
Laura Schussler - 3.11 & Jennifer Slaby - 3.00 1 - 0
Dawn Daley - 3.11 3 - 4
Melanee Rackley - 2.82 & Elizabeth Maurice - 3.21 0 - 1
Melanee Rackley - 2.82 0 - 1 0 - 1
Jennifer Slaby - 3.00 & Beth Cromwell - 3.15 1 - 1 1 - 0
Jennifer Slaby - 3.00 & Perla Timoney - 2.91 0 - 1
Debbie Buchanan - 3.27 & Diane Wise - 3.07 0 - 1 1 - 0
Debbie Buchanan - 3.27 & cristine giacchino - 3.30 0 - 1
(11) Huffhines/Clemmons W3.5S
League Record: 3 - 7
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Beena Paracha - 3.42
Aundi Henderson - 3.37
Tonya Grubb - 3.34
Cheryl Bradley - 3.34
Ana O'Reilly - 3.32
Renee Simpson - 3.29
Judi Robeson - 3.22
Jennifer McCafferty - 3.19
Kelly Simpson - 3.17
cindy nguyen - 3.15
Michelle Moore - 3.12
Dagny Teiber - 3.12
Barbie Bernier - 3.12
Karen Clemmons - 3.10
Jennifer Williams - 3.05
Lisa Hendricks - 3.01
Andrea Neel - 3.01
Alexia Rodriguez - 2.98
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Cheryl Bradley - 3.34 & Lisa Hendricks - 3.01 0 - 1
Cheryl Bradley - 3.34 & Ana O'Reilly - 3.32 1 - 0
Cheryl Bradley - 3.34 & Barbie Bernier - 3.12 1 - 0
Jennifer Williams - 3.05 & Lisa Hendricks - 3.01 1 - 0 1 - 0
Jennifer Williams - 3.05 & Barbie Bernier - 3.12 0 - 1
Lisa Hendricks - 3.01 & Karen Clemmons - 3.10 0 - 1
Judi Robeson - 3.22 & Michelle Moore - 3.12 0 - 1
Judi Robeson - 3.22 & Ana O'Reilly - 3.32 1 - 0
Judi Robeson - 3.22 & Jennifer McCafferty - 3.19 1 - 0
Judi Robeson - 3.22 0 - 1
Dagny Teiber - 3.12 & Tonya Grubb - 3.34 2 - 0
Dagny Teiber - 3.12 1 - 0
Karen Clemmons - 3.10 & Michelle Moore - 3.12 0 - 1
Karen Clemmons - 3.10 & Barbie Bernier - 3.12 1 - 0
Michelle Moore - 3.12 & Ana O'Reilly - 3.32 1 - 0
Michelle Moore - 3.12 & Barbie Bernier - 3.12 0 - 1
Ana O'Reilly - 3.32 & Aundi Henderson - 3.37 0 - 2
Ana O'Reilly - 3.32 & Beena Paracha - 3.42 0 - 1
Aundi Henderson - 3.37 & Tonya Grubb - 3.34 1 - 0
Aundi Henderson - 3.37 & Beena Paracha - 3.42 1 - 0
Jennifer McCafferty - 3.19 0 - 1
Tonya Grubb - 3.34 & Beena Paracha - 3.42 0 - 1
cindy nguyen - 3.15 3 - 3
Barbie Bernier - 3.12 & Alexia Rodriguez - 2.98 0 - 1
Beena Paracha - 3.42 0 - 1 2 - 0
Alexia Rodriguez - 2.98 1 - 3
Andrea Neel - 3.01 & Jennifer Williams - 3.05 0 - 1
Andrea Neel - 3.01 & Jennifer McCafferty - 3.19 2 - 0
Andrea Neel - 3.01 0 - 1
Renee Simpson - 3.29 & Karen Clemmons - 3.10 1 - 0
Renee Simpson - 3.29 & Kelly Simpson - 3.17 1 - 1
Kelly Simpson - 3.17 & Karen Clemmons - 3.10 1 - 0
Kelly Simpson - 3.17 1 - 0 1 - 1
(8) Brookhaven/Schmeltz W3.5S
League Record: 1 - 9
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Karen Saland - 3.35
Rebecca Stevens - 3.27
Amy White - 3.22
Shane Hill - 3.18
Melissa Brueningsen - 3.15
Kim Schmeltz - 3.11
PK Dailey - 3.04
Evelyn Werbaneth - 3.04
Annette Quadling - 3.04
Laurie Sadler - 3.02
Pam McWhorter - 3.00
Alma Solis - 2.86
Suzanne Kelinske - 2.82
Katherine Weeks - 2.74
Sally Gerencser - 2.71
Kelly Wilkes - 2.62
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Suzanne Kelinske - 2.82 & Shane Hill - 3.18 0 - 2
Suzanne Kelinske - 2.82 & Karen Saland - 3.35 1 - 0
Suzanne Kelinske - 2.82 & Evelyn Werbaneth - 3.04 0 - 2
Suzanne Kelinske - 2.82 0 - 1
Rebecca Stevens - 3.27 & Amy White - 3.22 1 - 0
Rebecca Stevens - 3.27 & Karen Saland - 3.35 1 - 0
Rebecca Stevens - 3.27 & Kim Schmeltz - 3.11 2 - 0
Rebecca Stevens - 3.27 & Evelyn Werbaneth - 3.04 1 - 2
Rebecca Stevens - 3.27 & Melissa Brueningsen - 3.15 0 - 1
Kelly Wilkes - 2.62 & Sally Gerencser - 2.71 0 - 2
Kelly Wilkes - 2.62 0 - 1
Shane Hill - 3.18 0 - 2
Sally Gerencser - 2.71 & Kim Schmeltz - 3.11 0 - 1
Sally Gerencser - 2.71 0 - 1
Katherine Weeks - 2.74 0 - 2 0 - 6
Amy White - 3.22 & PK Dailey - 3.04 0 - 1
Pam McWhorter - 3.00 & PK Dailey - 3.04 0 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 1
Karen Saland - 3.35 0 - 1
Kim Schmeltz - 3.11 0 - 2
Alma Solis - 2.86 1 - 1
Evelyn Werbaneth - 3.04 & Annette Quadling - 3.04 0 - 1
Laurie Sadler - 3.02 & Kelly Wilkes - 2.62 2 - 1
Laurie Sadler - 3.02 0 - 1
Melissa Brueningsen - 3.15 & Annette Quadling - 3.04 0 - 1
Melissa Brueningsen - 3.15 & Amy White - 3.22 0 - 1
Melissa Brueningsen - 3.15 & Kim Schmeltz - 3.11 0 - 1
(12) Springpark/Singleton-Brown W3.5S
League Record: 5 - 5
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Ginger Kamm - 3.35
Ryane Criswell - 3.32
Rhonda Bush - 3.30
Christy Cummings - 3.24
Evyn Fairman - 3.21
Allison Singleton - 3.20
Melanie Berman - 3.10
Christina Martinez - 3.08
Caryn Kloor - 3.04
Toni Hair - 2.90
Vanessa Wade - 2.88
Nina Strenk - n/a
Lori Lodwick - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Ryane Criswell - 3.32 & Ginger Kamm - 3.35 1 - 2
Ryane Criswell - 3.32 & Melanie Berman - 3.10 1 - 0
Ryane Criswell - 3.32 1 - 0
Vanessa Wade - 2.88 & Christina Martinez - 3.08 0 - 1
Vanessa Wade - 2.88 & Rhonda Bush - 3.30 0 - 1 0 - 1
Vanessa Wade - 2.88 & Melanie Berman - 3.10 1 - 0 0 - 1
Christina Martinez - 3.08 & Allison Singleton - 3.20 1 - 0
Christina Martinez - 3.08 & Rhonda Bush - 3.30 0 - 1
Christy Cummings - 3.24 & Ginger Kamm - 3.35 0 - 1
Christy Cummings - 3.24 & Toni Hair - 2.90 1 - 2 1 - 1 3 - 0
Ginger Kamm - 3.35 & Allison Singleton - 3.20 1 - 0 1 - 0
Ginger Kamm - 3.35 & Rhonda Bush - 3.30 0 - 1
Caryn Kloor - 3.04 3 - 3 2 - 0
Evyn Fairman - 3.21 1 - 3 3 - 1
Melanie Berman - 3.10 1 - 2
Nina Strenk - n/a & Allison Singleton - 3.20 0 - 1 0 - 2
Lori Lodwick - n/a & Ginger Kamm - 3.35 0 - 1
Lori Lodwick - n/a & Rhonda Bush - 3.30 1 - 0
(7) High Point/Mallaki W3.5S
League Record: 3 - 7
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kathy Green - 3.20
Michele Erturkuner - 3.16
Eve Lamendola - 3.14
Hsiao-Lan Wilson - 3.12
Anne Davis - 3.10
Mollie Pillman - 3.01
Jaleh Mallaki - 3.01
Luming Parsley - 2.99
Margaret Collier - 2.97
Pamela Taylor - 2.95
Marina Gelling - 2.93
Lourdes Parker - 2.92
Loretta Keller - 2.76
Sachiko Huang - 2.74
Tricia Plumb - 2.71
Allison Shaub - 2.51
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Eve Lamendola - 3.14 & Tricia Plumb - 2.71 0 - 1
Eve Lamendola - 3.14 & Margaret Collier - 2.97 1 - 1
Lourdes Parker - 2.92 & Loretta Keller - 2.76 0 - 1
Marina Gelling - 2.93 0 - 1
Tricia Plumb - 2.71 & Pamela Taylor - 2.95 1 - 1
Pamela Taylor - 2.95 & Margaret Collier - 2.97 0 - 1 1 - 0
Jaleh Mallaki - 3.01 & Luming Parsley - 2.99 0 - 1 0 - 1
Luming Parsley - 2.99 2 - 3
Sachiko Huang - 2.74 0 - 2 1 - 3
Mollie Pillman - 3.01 0 - 2 2 - 3
Kathy Green - 3.20 & Eve Lamendola - 3.14 1 - 0
Kathy Green - 3.20 & Michele Erturkuner - 3.16 3 - 1
Hsiao-Lan Wilson - 3.12 & Jaleh Mallaki - 3.01 3 - 2
Hsiao-Lan Wilson - 3.12 & Luming Parsley - 2.99 0 - 1
Anne Davis - 3.10 & Marina Gelling - 2.93 0 - 1
Anne Davis - 3.10 & Margaret Collier - 2.97 0 - 2 0 - 1
Allison Shaub - 2.51 & Lourdes Parker - 2.92 0 - 1
Allison Shaub - 2.51 & Tricia Plumb - 2.71 0 - 1
Allison Shaub - 2.51 & Pamela Taylor - 2.95 0 - 1
Michele Erturkuner - 3.16 & Eve Lamendola - 3.14 2 - 0
(14) High Point/Herling W3.5S
League Record: 4 - 6
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Jill Fain - 3.33
Lynda Bennett - 3.25
Tammy Anderson - 3.23
Susie Schmitt - 3.14
Leslee Herling - 3.13
Lisa Swirczynski - 3.11
Leslie Evans - 3.10
Laya Gan - 3.10
Mary Cavey - 3.09
Ana Paez - 3.09
Linda Dres - 3.07
Linda Braswell - 3.02
Susan Toliver - 3.01
Beth Ruffing - 3.01
Jan Gann - 3.00
Kathy Almond - 2.99
Dee Garza - 2.95
Jacqueline Gabbidon - 2.85
Kris Kort - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Leslie Evans - 3.10 & Kris Kort - n/a 1 - 0
Leslie Evans - 3.10 & Beth Ruffing - 3.01 0 - 1 0 - 1 1 - 0
Leslie Evans - 3.10 & Ana Paez - 3.09 0 - 1
Mary Cavey - 3.09 & Linda Braswell - 3.02 1 - 0
Mary Cavey - 3.09 & Linda Dres - 3.07 0 - 1
Mary Cavey - 3.09 & Ana Paez - 3.09 0 - 1 0 - 1
Linda Braswell - 3.02 & Linda Dres - 3.07 1 - 1
Linda Dres - 3.07 & Kathy Almond - 2.99 0 - 1
Jan Gann - 3.00 & Susan Toliver - 3.01 0 - 1
Susan Toliver - 3.01 & Beth Ruffing - 3.01 0 - 1
Jill Fain - 3.33 6 - 3
Susie Schmitt - 3.14 1 - 1
Lynda Bennett - 3.25 1 - 0 2 - 1
Laya Gan - 3.10 & Jan Gann - 3.00 1 - 0
Laya Gan - 3.10 & Susan Toliver - 3.01 0 - 1
Laya Gan - 3.10 1 - 3
Ana Paez - 3.09 & Susan Toliver - 3.01 0 - 1
Tammy Anderson - 3.23 & Susie Schmitt - 3.14 1 - 3
Jacqueline Gabbidon - 2.85 0 - 1
Lisa Swirczynski - 3.11 & Kathy Almond - 2.99 2 - 1
Lisa Swirczynski - 3.11 & Leslee Herling - 3.13 1 - 0 1 - 0
Leslee Herling - 3.13 & Dee Garza - 2.95 1 - 0 0 - 1
Dee Garza - 2.95 & Jan Gann - 3.00 0 - 1 0 - 1
(5) Canyon Creek/Gooch W3.5S
League Record: 6 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kerrie Davis - 3.48
Lee Prater - 3.44
Kathy Hodge - 3.32
Cathy Dawson - 3.29
Shelley Staten - 3.27
Barbara Shlesinger - 3.27
Sue Hart - 3.25
Misty Westveld - 3.25
Marlo Gooch - 3.22
Heidi Young - 3.22
Dede Vehslage - 3.21
Chrissi Gumbert - 3.20
Carrie Williams - 3.11
Brianna Fluellen - 3.09
Jean Sills - 3.07
Kay Magner - 3.06
Pamela Ferrell - 3.05
Lonnie Smith - 3.05
Leah Collins - 2.96
Marie Talamini - 2.84
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Dede Vehslage - 3.21 & Cathy Dawson - 3.29 1 - 0
Dede Vehslage - 3.21 0 - 1 1 - 0
Cathy Dawson - 3.29 & Kerrie Davis - 3.48 1 - 0
Cathy Dawson - 3.29 & Shelley Staten - 3.27 1 - 0
Barbara Shlesinger - 3.27 & Carrie Williams - 3.11 0 - 1
Barbara Shlesinger - 3.27 & Kerrie Davis - 3.48 1 - 0
Barbara Shlesinger - 3.27 & Misty Westveld - 3.25 1 - 0
Marie Talamini - 2.84 & Jean Sills - 3.07 0 - 1
Marie Talamini - 2.84 & Shelley Staten - 3.27 1 - 0
Marie Talamini - 2.84 0 - 1
Heidi Young - 3.22 2 - 2
Kathy Hodge - 3.32 & Kerrie Davis - 3.48 1 - 1
Carrie Williams - 3.11 & Leah Collins - 2.96 0 - 1
Carrie Williams - 3.11 1 - 1
Jean Sills - 3.07 & Leah Collins - 2.96 1 - 0
Jean Sills - 3.07 0 - 1 1 - 0
Kerrie Davis - 3.48 1 - 0
Shelley Staten - 3.27 1 - 1
Brianna Fluellen - 3.09 1 - 1
Lee Prater - 3.44 & Kathy Hodge - 3.32 1 - 0
Lee Prater - 3.44 & Marlo Gooch - 3.22 1 - 0
Lee Prater - 3.44 & Kerrie Davis - 3.48 1 - 0
Lee Prater - 3.44 1 - 0
Lonnie Smith - 3.05 & Marlo Gooch - 3.22 0 - 1
Lonnie Smith - 3.05 & Leah Collins - 2.96 1 - 0
Lonnie Smith - 3.05 & Sue Hart - 3.25 0 - 1
Lonnie Smith - 3.05 & Kay Magner - 3.06 1 - 0 1 - 0
Sue Hart - 3.25 & Misty Westveld - 3.25 2 - 1 1 - 0
Kay Magner - 3.06 & Kathy Hodge - 3.32 0 - 1
Kay Magner - 3.06 & Marlo Gooch - 3.22 1 - 0
Chrissi Gumbert - 3.20 & Cathy Dawson - 3.29 2 - 0
Pamela Ferrell - 3.05 & Marie Talamini - 2.84 1 - 0
Pamela Ferrell - 3.05 & Jean Sills - 3.07 0 - 1
Pamela Ferrell - 3.05 0 - 1 1 - 1
(4) Greenhill/Sanders-Madden W3.5S
League Record: 0 - 10
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Lauren Madden - 3.08
Timla Healey - 3.00
Tammy Rich - 2.98
Tiffany Votava - 2.94
Sherri Rejebian - 2.94
Jennifer Kinder - 2.91
Stephanie Robinson - 2.90
Leila Gibson - 2.87
Gerilynn Sanders - 2.82
Dorothy Buechel - 2.80
Hong Chang - 2.78
Angela Looney - 2.78
Terri Miller - 2.72
Sarah Cohen - 2.64
Joy Phillips - 2.64
Amber Samsel - 2.58
Lori Gerard - 2.57
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Sarah Cohen - 2.64 & Joy Phillips - 2.64 1 - 0
Sarah Cohen - 2.64 & Terri Miller - 2.72 0 - 1
Sarah Cohen - 2.64 & Lauren Madden - 3.08 0 - 1
Sarah Cohen - 2.64 & Gerilynn Sanders - 2.82 0 - 1
Joy Phillips - 2.64 & Lori Gerard - 2.57 0 - 2
Joy Phillips - 2.64 & Terri Miller - 2.72 0 - 1
Joy Phillips - 2.64 & Lauren Madden - 3.08 0 - 1
Tammy Rich - 2.98 & Jennifer Kinder - 2.91 0 - 1
Tammy Rich - 2.98 & Gerilynn Sanders - 2.82 0 - 2
Tammy Rich - 2.98 & Hong Chang - 2.78 0 - 1
Tammy Rich - 2.98 & Amber Samsel - 2.58 0 - 1
Jennifer Kinder - 2.91 & Lori Gerard - 2.57 0 - 1
Jennifer Kinder - 2.91 0 - 2
Dorothy Buechel - 2.80 & Sherri Rejebian - 2.94 0 - 1
Dorothy Buechel - 2.80 & Lauren Madden - 3.08 0 - 1
Dorothy Buechel - 2.80 & Tiffany Votava - 2.94 1 - 0
Lori Gerard - 2.57 & Hong Chang - 2.78 0 - 1
Angela Looney - 2.78 & Lauren Madden - 3.08 0 - 1
Angela Looney - 2.78 & Tiffany Votava - 2.94 0 - 1 0 - 1
Leila Gibson - 2.87 & Gerilynn Sanders - 2.82 1 - 0
Leila Gibson - 2.87 0 - 5 0 - 2
Timla Healey - 3.00 2 - 2 2 - 2
Lauren Madden - 3.08 & Gerilynn Sanders - 2.82 0 - 1
Gerilynn Sanders - 2.82 0 - 1 0 - 1
Stephanie Robinson - 2.90 & Jennifer Kinder - 2.91 1 - 0
Stephanie Robinson - 2.90 & Dorothy Buechel - 2.80 0 - 1
Stephanie Robinson - 2.90 & Terri Miller - 2.72 0 - 1 0 - 1
Stephanie Robinson - 2.90 & Amber Samsel - 2.58 2 - 1
(15) Greenhill/Newberg W3.5S
League Record: 10 - 0
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kerry Schonwald - 3.66
Blair Isom - 3.64
Sheela Thomas - 3.62
Ruth Priest - 3.60
Jacky Pincoffs - 3.55
heather stobaugh - 3.42
Trionne Barnett - 3.40
Ginger Newberg - 3.39
Julie Sayah - 3.33
Stephanie Friedman - 3.30
Mary Helen Nine - 3.15
Robin Self - 3.12
Allana Luterman - 3.08
Heather Armstrong - 3.04
Heidi Aiken - 2.87
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Allana Luterman - 3.08 & Stephanie Friedman - 3.30 0 - 1
Allana Luterman - 3.08 & heather stobaugh - 3.42 1 - 0
Allana Luterman - 3.08 & Robin Self - 3.12 1 - 1
Allana Luterman - 3.08 & Ginger Newberg - 3.39 0 - 1
Allana Luterman - 3.08 & Mary Helen Nine - 3.15 1 - 0
Heather Armstrong - 3.04 & Heidi Aiken - 2.87 1 - 0 0 - 1
Heather Armstrong - 3.04 & Robin Self - 3.12 1 - 0
Stephanie Friedman - 3.30 & Julie Sayah - 3.33 0 - 1 1 - 1
heather stobaugh - 3.42 & Robin Self - 3.12 1 - 0
Heidi Aiken - 2.87 & Mary Helen Nine - 3.15 1 - 0
Trionne Barnett - 3.40 & Julie Sayah - 3.33 1 - 0
Trionne Barnett - 3.40 & Ginger Newberg - 3.39 0 - 1
Trionne Barnett - 3.40 & Jacky Pincoffs - 3.55 1 - 0
Julie Sayah - 3.33 & Ginger Newberg - 3.39 1 - 0
Julie Sayah - 3.33 & Mary Helen Nine - 3.15 0 - 1
Sheela Thomas - 3.62 & Ginger Newberg - 3.39 1 - 0 3 - 0
Sheela Thomas - 3.62 2 - 0
Ruth Priest - 3.60 8 - 0
Jacky Pincoffs - 3.55 & Blair Isom - 3.64 5 - 0 1 - 0
Blair Isom - 3.64 1 - 0
Kerry Schonwald - 3.66 7 - 0
(10) LB Houston/O'Brien W3.5S
League Record: 7 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Margaret Hoyt - 3.40
Madeleine Keiper - 3.40
August Wood - 3.34
Izumi Webb - 3.33
Kayla Chen - 3.30
Heidi Fuller - 3.28
Satomi Mears - 3.27
Laura Mattingly - 3.26
Lauren Prager - 3.25
Hollee Voisinet - 3.16
Brooke Parks - 3.16
Amola Abrol - 3.16
Denise Smith - 3.15
Debra Becker - 3.11
Jennifer Richter - 3.10
Starla Sand - 3.08
Mackenzie Keiper - 3.07
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Denise Smith - 3.15 & Jennifer Richter - 3.10 0 - 1
Denise Smith - 3.15 & Laura Mattingly - 3.26 1 - 0
Denise Smith - 3.15 & Izumi Webb - 3.33 1 - 0
Amola Abrol - 3.16 & Madeleine Keiper - 3.40 1 - 0
Amola Abrol - 3.16 & Heidi Fuller - 3.28 1 - 0
Amola Abrol - 3.16 & August Wood - 3.34 1 - 0 1 - 0
Mackenzie Keiper - 3.07 & Madeleine Keiper - 3.40 1 - 0
Mackenzie Keiper - 3.07 & Lauren Prager - 3.25 0 - 1
Madeleine Keiper - 3.40 & Lauren Prager - 3.25 0 - 1
Madeleine Keiper - 3.40 & Satomi Mears - 3.27 1 - 0
Madeleine Keiper - 3.40 & August Wood - 3.34 0 - 1
Heidi Fuller - 3.28 & Laura Mattingly - 3.26 1 - 0
Heidi Fuller - 3.28 & Izumi Webb - 3.33 0 - 1
Lauren Prager - 3.25 1 - 0
Jennifer Richter - 3.10 & Laura Mattingly - 3.26 0 - 1 0 - 1
Jennifer Richter - 3.10 & Satomi Mears - 3.27 0 - 1
Jennifer Richter - 3.10 0 - 1
Satomi Mears - 3.27 & Izumi Webb - 3.33 1 - 0 1 - 0
Kayla Chen - 3.30 & August Wood - 3.34 0 - 1
Kayla Chen - 3.30 & Brooke Parks - 3.16 1 - 1
Kayla Chen - 3.30 0 - 1 1 - 0
Izumi Webb - 3.33 & August Wood - 3.34 1 - 0
August Wood - 3.34 & Brooke Parks - 3.16 1 - 0
Hollee Voisinet - 3.16 0 - 2 3 - 1
Brooke Parks - 3.16 1 - 0 3 - 0
Starla Sand - 3.08 2 - 4
Margaret Hoyt - 3.40 & Debra Becker - 3.11 3 - 1 1 - 0
(9) McKinney/Hedblom W3.5S
League Record: 6 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Ashli Urano - 3.79
Audrey Pala - 3.41
Linsey Ethington - 3.38
Blanca Suarez - 3.22
Ruth Robbins - 3.18
Rachel Garza - 3.15
Guang-An Li - 3.11
Laurie Deckert - 3.07
Amanda Bodnar - 3.06
Jennifer Berry - 3.05
April Cloutier - 3.03
cristin pike - 3.01
Donna Legault - 3.00
Katy Bautista - 2.95
Arlene Wiese - 2.92
Suzanne Friend - 2.84
Annette Hedblom - 2.84
Reta McKee - 2.79
Bethany Bennett - 2.66
Diane Wetherbee - 2.61
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Diane Wetherbee - 2.61 & Bethany Bennett - 2.66 0 - 1
April Cloutier - 3.03 & Suzanne Friend - 2.84 1 - 0
April Cloutier - 3.03 & Reta McKee - 2.79 0 - 1
April Cloutier - 3.03 & Laurie Deckert - 3.07 1 - 0
Katy Bautista - 2.95 2 - 0 2 - 2
Jennifer Berry - 3.05 & Guang-An Li - 3.11 1 - 0
Jennifer Berry - 3.05 & Amanda Bodnar - 3.06 0 - 1
Bethany Bennett - 2.66 & Suzanne Friend - 2.84 0 - 1
Guang-An Li - 3.11 & Blanca Suarez - 3.22 0 - 1
Guang-An Li - 3.11 & Rachel Garza - 3.15 0 - 1
Blanca Suarez - 3.22 & Linsey Ethington - 3.38 4 - 1 0 - 1
Blanca Suarez - 3.22 & Laurie Deckert - 3.07 1 - 0
Blanca Suarez - 3.22 & Amanda Bodnar - 3.06 1 - 0
Suzanne Friend - 2.84 0 - 2
Annette Hedblom - 2.84 & Reta McKee - 2.79 0 - 1 0 - 2
Annette Hedblom - 2.84 & Rachel Garza - 3.15 0 - 1 1 - 0
Ashli Urano - 3.79 2 - 0
cristin pike - 3.01 & Donna Legault - 3.00 1 - 0
Donna Legault - 3.00 & Rachel Garza - 3.15 0 - 2
Reta McKee - 2.79 & Laurie Deckert - 3.07 1 - 0
Arlene Wiese - 2.92 1 - 2 2 - 0
Audrey Pala - 3.41 1 - 1 1 - 0
Amanda Bodnar - 3.06 0 - 1 0 - 1
Ruth Robbins - 3.18 & April Cloutier - 3.03 0 - 1
Ruth Robbins - 3.18 & Bethany Bennett - 2.66 0 - 1
Ruth Robbins - 3.18 & Laurie Deckert - 3.07 1 - 0
Ruth Robbins - 3.18 & Amanda Bodnar - 3.06 0 - 1
(3) Las Colinas/Senior W3.5S
League Record: 2 - 8
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Hope Miller - 3.46
Abby Thompson - 3.25
Kimberly Senior - 3.18
Shannon Forbus - 3.08
Dolores Kelly - 2.96
Ann Lutich - 2.94
Trisha Jolliffe - 2.91
Shelley Duron - 2.88
Vanessa Eskolin - 2.86
Anita Pai - 2.86
Jennifer Taffe - 2.81
April Scopa - 2.78
Lisa Cunov - 2.77
Amy Whitehead - 2.76
Janet Parham - 2.71
Amy Robles - 2.69
Christie Newkirk - 2.68
Susan Wise - n/a
Jessica Quintanilla'Shelton - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Dolores Kelly - 2.96 & Shannon Forbus - 3.08 0 - 1
Dolores Kelly - 2.96 & Ann Lutich - 2.94 0 - 1
Amy Whitehead - 2.76 & Shelley Duron - 2.88 0 - 1
Amy Whitehead - 2.76 0 - 1
Amy Robles - 2.69 & April Scopa - 2.78 0 - 1 0 - 1
April Scopa - 2.78 & Janet Parham - 2.71 0 - 1 0 - 2
April Scopa - 2.78 & Ann Lutich - 2.94 1 - 1
Christie Newkirk - 2.68 & Ann Lutich - 2.94 0 - 3
Anita Pai - 2.86 0 - 1 0 - 3
Jennifer Taffe - 2.81 & Lisa Cunov - 2.77 0 - 1
Jennifer Taffe - 2.81 & Trisha Jolliffe - 2.91 0 - 1 1 - 1
Vanessa Eskolin - 2.86 1 - 2
Abby Thompson - 3.25 3 - 1 1 - 3
Lisa Cunov - 2.77 & Ann Lutich - 2.94 0 - 1
Lisa Cunov - 2.77 & Trisha Jolliffe - 2.91 0 - 3
Susan Wise - n/a & Hope Miller - 3.46 1 - 0
Hope Miller - 3.46 & Shannon Forbus - 3.08 1 - 0
Hope Miller - 3.46 & Shelley Duron - 2.88 3 - 2
Jessica Quintanilla'Shelton - n/a & Amy Robles - 2.69 0 - 1
Kimberly Senior - 3.18 & Shannon Forbus - 3.08 0 - 1
Kimberly Senior - 3.18 2 - 2
(16) Fretz/Gilbert-Liu W3.5S
League Record: 8 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Lisa Douglas - 3.42
Becky Connet - 3.38
Susan Criddle - 3.36
July Crockett - 3.31
Jessica Tse - 3.30
Angela James - 3.28
Tricia Ericson - 3.25
Natalie Gilbert - 3.25
Brenda Reynolds - 3.24
Nikki Renwick - 3.18
Laurie Bracy - 3.18
Ann Liu - 3.14
Avari Garcia - 3.04
Sarah Beeson - 2.98
Asia Maston - 2.90
Christina Saczek - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Brenda Reynolds - 3.24 & July Crockett - 3.31 1 - 0
Brenda Reynolds - 3.24 & Becky Connet - 3.38 0 - 1 1 - 0
Brenda Reynolds - 3.24 & Angela James - 3.28 1 - 0
Brenda Reynolds - 3.24 & Tricia Ericson - 3.25 1 - 0
Brenda Reynolds - 3.24 & Sarah Beeson - 2.98 0 - 1
Brenda Reynolds - 3.24 & Avari Garcia - 3.04 1 - 0
July Crockett - 3.31 & Asia Maston - 2.90 0 - 1
July Crockett - 3.31 & Avari Garcia - 3.04 1 - 0
Becky Connet - 3.38 & Ann Liu - 3.14 0 - 1
Becky Connet - 3.38 & Natalie Gilbert - 3.25 1 - 0 1 - 0
Becky Connet - 3.38 & Jessica Tse - 3.30 2 - 0
Becky Connet - 3.38 1 - 0
Susan Criddle - 3.36 & Laurie Bracy - 3.18 1 - 0
Susan Criddle - 3.36 & Nikki Renwick - 3.18 1 - 0
Susan Criddle - 3.36 3 - 0
Laurie Bracy - 3.18 & Tricia Ericson - 3.25 2 - 1 1 - 0
Angela James - 3.28 & Tricia Ericson - 3.25 1 - 0
Angela James - 3.28 0 - 2 0 - 1
Nikki Renwick - 3.18 & Tricia Ericson - 3.25 0 - 1
Nikki Renwick - 3.18 3 - 0
Asia Maston - 2.90 0 - 1 1 - 1
Ann Liu - 3.14 & Sarah Beeson - 2.98 0 - 1
Ann Liu - 3.14 & Jessica Tse - 3.30 1 - 0
Ann Liu - 3.14 & Avari Garcia - 3.04 1 - 0
Natalie Gilbert - 3.25 & Tricia Ericson - 3.25 0 - 1
Natalie Gilbert - 3.25 & Jessica Tse - 3.30 1 - 0
Sarah Beeson - 2.98 & Jessica Tse - 3.30 1 - 0 0 - 1
Lisa Douglas - 3.42 5 - 1
Avari Garcia - 3.04 & Christina Saczek - n/a 1 - 0
(6) Samuell Grand/Reed W3.5S
League Record: 6 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Sarah Deering - 3.54
Katie Fleming - 3.40
McKenzie Lubs - 3.37
marla williams - 3.28
Jennifer Calhoun - 3.26
Melanie Pinker - 3.25
Laura Reed - 3.23
Melissa Lipshy - 3.11
Weezie Margolis - 3.07
Juliann Barkley - 3.06
Marci Frenkel - 3.05
Velma Kinsella - 3.03
Jana Milstein - 3.02
Leticia Saenz - 2.96
Katie Warner - 2.88
Belinda Baldwin - 2.83
Stephana Delatorre - 2.72
Shannon McCord - n/a
Chan Nguyen - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Leticia Saenz - 2.96 & Juliann Barkley - 3.06 1 - 0
Leticia Saenz - 2.96 & Shannon McCord - n/a 0 - 1
Juliann Barkley - 3.06 & Melanie Pinker - 3.25 1 - 0
Juliann Barkley - 3.06 & Katie Warner - 2.88 0 - 1
McKenzie Lubs - 3.37 & Laura Reed - 3.23 0 - 1
McKenzie Lubs - 3.37 2 - 1 2 - 0
Melissa Lipshy - 3.11 & marla williams - 3.28 0 - 1
Melissa Lipshy - 3.11 & Melanie Pinker - 3.25 1 - 0
Melissa Lipshy - 3.11 & Weezie Margolis - 3.07 1 - 2 2 - 0
Melissa Lipshy - 3.11 & Laura Reed - 3.23 1 - 0
Melissa Lipshy - 3.11 & Velma Kinsella - 3.03 0 - 1
marla williams - 3.28 & Melanie Pinker - 3.25 0 - 1
marla williams - 3.28 0 - 1
Jana Milstein - 3.02 & Marci Frenkel - 3.05 0 - 1
Jana Milstein - 3.02 & Chan Nguyen - n/a 0 - 1
Melanie Pinker - 3.25 & Weezie Margolis - 3.07 0 - 1
Melanie Pinker - 3.25 & Velma Kinsella - 3.03 1 - 0
Katie Warner - 2.88 & Velma Kinsella - 3.03 0 - 1
Laura Reed - 3.23 & Sarah Deering - 3.54 2 - 0
Velma Kinsella - 3.03 & Marci Frenkel - 3.05 0 - 1
Sarah Deering - 3.54 5 - 0 0 - 1
Marci Frenkel - 3.05 0 - 1
Chan Nguyen - n/a & Belinda Baldwin - 2.83 0 - 1
Katie Fleming - 3.40 0 - 1
Stephana Delatorre - 2.72 & Leticia Saenz - 2.96 0 - 1 0 - 1
Stephana Delatorre - 2.72 & marla williams - 3.28 0 - 1
Jennifer Calhoun - 3.26 & Juliann Barkley - 3.06 0 - 1
Jennifer Calhoun - 3.26 & Marci Frenkel - 3.05 0 - 1
Jennifer Calhoun - 3.26 & Katie Fleming - 3.40 1 - 0
Jennifer Calhoun - 3.26 0 - 2 3 - 0
(13) Huffhines/Crow W3.5S
League Record: 3 - 7
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Carolyn Snyder - 3.48
Rayna Handelman - 3.33
Tami McQuhae - 3.30
Kirsten Kirlin - 3.03
Aimee Griffin - 3.03
Zabrina Ratcliff - 3.00
Shannon Gregg - 2.99
Melissa Szabo - 2.99
Lisa Leder - 2.96
Michelle Jones - 2.91
Lisa Crow - 2.75
Deana Brasuell - 2.74
Janie Painter - 2.71
Karen Schoolfield - 2.70
Nicole Hathaway - 2.64
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Rayna Handelman - 3.33 & Kirsten Kirlin - 3.03 1 - 0
Rayna Handelman - 3.33 & Michelle Jones - 2.91 1 - 0 2 - 1
Rayna Handelman - 3.33 & Melissa Szabo - 2.99 1 - 1
Lisa Leder - 2.96 & Tami McQuhae - 3.30 1 - 0
Lisa Leder - 2.96 & Aimee Griffin - 3.03 1 - 0
Zabrina Ratcliff - 3.00 & Carolyn Snyder - 3.48 1 - 0
Zabrina Ratcliff - 3.00 & Michelle Jones - 2.91 1 - 1
Shannon Gregg - 2.99 & Kirsten Kirlin - 3.03 1 - 0
Shannon Gregg - 2.99 & Michelle Jones - 2.91 0 - 1
Tami McQuhae - 3.30 1 - 0
Aimee Griffin - 3.03 & Deana Brasuell - 2.74 0 - 1
Aimee Griffin - 3.03 & Nicole Hathaway - 2.64 1 - 1
Kirsten Kirlin - 3.03 & Deana Brasuell - 2.74 1 - 0
Kirsten Kirlin - 3.03 & Michelle Jones - 2.91 0 - 1
Kirsten Kirlin - 3.03 0 - 1 0 - 1
Janie Painter - 2.71 & Deana Brasuell - 2.74 0 - 1
Janie Painter - 2.71 & Nicole Hathaway - 2.64 0 - 1
Janie Painter - 2.71 0 - 3 0 - 2
Carolyn Snyder - 3.48 3 - 1 1 - 0
Deana Brasuell - 2.74 1 - 0
Michelle Jones - 2.91 0 - 1
Lisa Crow - 2.75 & Karen Schoolfield - 2.70 1 - 1
Lisa Crow - 2.75 0 - 3
Melissa Szabo - 2.99 & Shannon Gregg - 2.99 1 - 3
Karen Schoolfield - 2.70 & Zabrina Ratcliff - 3.00 0 - 1
Karen Schoolfield - 2.70 & Nicole Hathaway - 2.64 0 - 1
Karen Schoolfield - 2.70 0 - 1